Jim and Jill

Jim and Jill

Monday, May 4, 2009

Green Walking Up The Mountain

Green Is Walking Up The Mountain

Folks who live in the mountains will be familiar with the phrase: “green is walking up the mountain.” It means that the leaves turn green in a progression from the valley to the top of the mountain. It’s logical really. It is warmer at lower elevations (the valley floor) than it is on top of the mountain. Plants will typically, in our area, get green and bloom, in the valley, about 3 weeks before they do at our place.

In our garden the compost in the compost bins is ready for use this year and should return dividends of much larger and healthier vegetables. We have added raised strawberry beds this year and are also adding blueberry bushes to our garden. In addition we are adding 1 hive of honeybees (Carniolain), which are not aggressive and resistant to a number of problems that plague honeybees.

We have added a cabin for Ethan (grandson) since our last post and we are looking forward to seeing him enjoy it for many years. He is moving here in a few months (and bringing his momma and daddy with him) and we expect to teach him some helpful mountain ways.

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