Jim and Jill

Jim and Jill

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Winter Is Walking Up The Mountain

Yes, it is true. Winter is walking up the mountain. We have cleared the morning glories from the greenhouse and let the sides down and stored all of Jill's plants in there, hoping they will winter-over well.

The leaves are showing all the varied colors and have begun to fall and carpet the ground. We have wrapped the exposed pipes, cleaned up most of the garden and done all the "chores" that need be done before winter arrives in full force. I believe we will have a hard winter this year.

I will soon finish my undergraduate work and graduate from UT Martin this fall. The past 18 months have been very challenging and demanding, but I will finish my undergraduate studies this fall and receive my Bachelor of University Studies degree. I plan to enter graduate school this coming spring and pursue a Masters of Education and Related Studies degree and then teach Criminal Justice at the college level.

I have returned to my genealogy investigations in my spare time, on rainy days when I can't get outside. All of the firewood needed for the winter has been cut, and most of it split. John, Sherisa and Ethan have settled into life in the cabin and all is well on the mountain.