Jim and Jill

Jim and Jill

Monday, November 12, 2007

Fall In The Mountain's

The leaves are rusty now and they crunch under your feet, as you walk through the woods. Squirrels are out, busily gathering up acorn's for their winters larder, and small grandchildren delight at the magic of the colors, textures and sounds of the woods, at this time of the year.
Our grandson Ethan is here for a 3 week visit from California. He and his mother arrived yesterday, and the fun has already begun. I watched tonight, as he watched in awe, at the sparks that rose skyward from our campfire, we had in the side yard..just plain magic to young Mr. Ethan.
The thrill of this day, for Ethan, was riding on the John Deere tractor. That boy loves to ride on that tractor. Lots to be learned fromt he seat of a tractor and lots to be seen, that is just not visible from any other spot. Got to keep the young man on the tractor so he can learn some of the things I know and learned from there.
His mother and I will cook a variety of ethnic foods tomorrow where the joy and learning will continue. I found a great web site, with vidio "how to's" for cooking ethnic foods...check it out: http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-make-naan-bread
The adventure continues...