Jim and Jill

Jim and Jill

Friday, October 26, 2012

Much has happened since our last post.  For starters Jill and I are hosting two exchange students for the school year.  Youngtoe Choi (left) is from Soul, Korea and Fang Yan (right) is from Xiamen, China.  Both are in the 11th grade and both are doing very well in the academic and social life of the school.

We also began home-schooling Ethan using the curriculum of the K12 program.  The curriculum is very well designed and digital tools are very well (and appropriately) integrated into the course work.  Thus far, Ethan is doing very well and is eager to begin his studies each day.  The schedule is very flexible which allows us to fit the instruction to our time and Ethan's eagerness at the moment for a particular subject.  Some days he just needs for fun time before he begins his studies and some days he just is in no mood for spelling, and we can accommodate those things.
Then there is "T-Bone."  Like all the rest "T-Bone" was a throw away who found his way to our front door and instantly found a new home.  He and Jill were immediately attracted to each other and still are.  His personality will come very close to that of our dog "Bubba-D" who reciently died.
It's time to begin the day of studies so that's all folks until the next time.